AgModels Foundation, Inc.

AgModels LLC established the AgModels Foundation, Inc. in 2016 as a 501(c)(5) not-for-profit organization whose mission is to address, educate, and provide information to those engaged in the agriculture, veterinary and animal husbandry industries to better manage the feeding and nutritional requirements, health and care of livestock, and facilitate more efficient and cost-effective and profitable operations of farms.

In support of its mission, the Foundation aggregates historical data regarding the farm operations of its members and their customers, clients or research subjects in accordance with their respective rights, including data relating to the feeding, health and care of livestock for use by research institutions and members of the Foundation in furtherance of the Foundation’s charter as a 501 (c)(5) not-for-profit organization for the betterment of the agriculture industry. Access to the Foundation’s data shall only be on an anonymous basis, if the member desires access to data sets that are beyond its own customers, clients or research subjects.

All data uploaded to the Foundation remains the exclusive intellectual property of the Member who authorizes or enables the uploading of such data to the Foundation’s servers, or those from whom they obtained rights to such data (e.g. producers, service providers) for the intended purposes of the Foundation. The Foundation claims a copyright interest in the aggregation of the Members’ Data, but not in the Members’ Data itself. The Foundation shall maintain the confidentiality of all Members’ Data as trade secrets of the Member who originates such data.

Services Provided by the Foundation to its Members: